Neighborhood Garage Sale; a huge success

The weather on Saturday, May 1, 2021 was perfect, and helped make our garage sale a huge success.  More than 50 people had registered to hold a sale or set out their free items in their driveway.  In addition, many others also posted their addresses and for-sale or give-away items on the MLN email list.  Others just set their no-longer-needed items out at the end of their driveways.

Messages of appreciation included these:

R:  Thanks for organizing… a great turnout!  Much of our long-unused stuff is now in new hands.

N:  We met some new neighbors, and it was fun.  I got rid of some things I never use.

D:  We walked around for 2.5 hours, viewing goods, but mostly chatting.  It was wonderful to see old friends and meet new people.

L:  I had the best emotional day in a very long time!  To see people, converse, see them find treasures that lit up their faces, and to simply give things away, all contributed to a memorable day.  This was way more than a neighborhood garage sale.  This was a glimpse of normal.  The timing was perfect. Thank you for the hard work to make it happen for all of us.