The MLNA Ice Cream Social is our biggest social event of the year, and our best opportunity to meet our neighbors. This year it was on Sunday, August 25 and drew close to 400 people. Among the things to see and do in Monta Loma Park were:
- Meeting our neighbors, both long-time and newcomers.
- Visiting the ice cream table for a free individually wrapped frozen treat.
- Meeting members of the Mountain View Whisman School District Board of Trustees and representatives of the District and visiting their display.
- Welcoming Monta Loma Elementary School’s new principal, Meghan Jinguji.
- Volunteering to help our Monta Loma Elementary School at its PTA table.
- Volunteering to help Crittenden Middle School at its PTA table.
- Learning about the Mountain View Educational Foundation (MVEF).
- Meeting members of the Mountain View City Council.
- Meeting candidates for the City Council and two school boards.
- Picking up copies of City information on the Parks Strategic Plan, and Sustainability Initiatives and Programs.
- Learning more about the city’s Zero Waste and Food Scraps & Recycling programs.
- Visiting the Recreation Department‘s table for upcoming classes and events.
- Learning about the city’s Multicultural Engagement Program that offers information in Spanish, Chinese, and Russian.
- Experiencing a rainbow and summer shower created by a Fire Department engine and crew.
- Visiting our Community Emergency Response Team’s (CERT) display for emergency-preparedness information.
- Bringing your new neighbors to the Welcome Team’s table.
- Receiving a balloon creation from Gizmo Gary or his daughters.
- Contributing some local lore or artifacts to the Monta Loma History display.
- Receiving gardening advice and free plants at the plant-exchange table.
- Chatting with Robert Cox about the Mountain View Historical Association.
- Learning about about Monarch and Pipevine Swallowtail butterflies and their host plants.
- Learning about the Friends of Mountain View Parks.
- Visiting the Living Classroom display.
- Learning about Girl Scouts.
- Watching (or riding in) a buggy pulled by robot horses.
- Picking up free COVID test kits brought by the Community Action Team (CAT).
- Enjoying some pink cotton candy after 4:00.