Annual Meeting and Board Election June 16, 2021

Please participate in our virtual Annual Meeting and Board Election on Wednesday, June 16, to meet your board candidates and hear the invited speakers.

Annual Meeting

Register now for the the Annual Meeting meeting here.  After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about submitting questions for the program speakers by 7:00 p.m. on Friday, June 11, and joining the meeting on June 16. To submit questions, choose “Q&A” in the blue banner. The “Polls” option is your ballot.

Meeting schedule:

7:05 p.m.  Meeting begins with the president’s update.
7:15 p.m.  Jessica Chohan and Hillary Miller will give an update from the Monta Loma Park fence group.

7:30 p.m.  Program: Mountain View Mayor Ellen Kamei and MVWSD Superintendent Ayindé Rudolph will respond to questions previously submitted.

Board Election information

Our current board members, with the exception of the First Vice President, are interested in staying on.  In addition to filling that position, we would also like to add another member at large.  (Members at large have no designated responsibility.)  The list of board members is here.  Scroll down for a description of the board positions.

If you like what your board members are doing, attend and vote for them.  If not, replace any or all of them.  If you appreciate living in our neighborhood, serving on the Board is a good way to give back.

To place your name on the ballot or to request an absentee ballot, contact Baidra Murphy at by 6 p.m. on Friday, June 11.

Cast your ballot here.