Photos of 2021 Ice Cream Social With more space between the exhibits this year for Covid safety, we didn’t realize until afterwards that almost 300 people had attended. Elna Tymes was prepared at the welcome table for the early arrivals who helped set up. Susan Jee also helped attendees sign in and make a name tag. Nirvana Nwokidu and Linda Powers assured CERT members that the ice cream was on its way. We offered a variety of ice cream treats this year instead of scooping. Gizmo Gary again entranced the kids with his balloon creations. Jennifer brought information about the city’s Recycling & Zero Waste program. Patrick Neschleba explained how the Mountain View Educational Foundation helps our local schools. Joan MacDonald chats with David Bergen as the carriage pulled by robot horses passes on the walkway. Marty Pulvers sold Monta Loma tee shirts and logo items. Gizmo Gary’s audience grew throughout the afternoon. Police K9 Thor was accompanied by Officer Einfalt. Wouter Suverkropp gave rides to kids in a carriage pulled by robot horses. Attendees with younger children visited the playground, too. Ray Morneau (who took this photo) and Kammy Lo brought information and answered questions about trees at Canopy’s display. Tom Purcell points out the airport runway that became Alvin Street on his Monta Loma History display. Alan Whitaker explained the importance of planting native milkweed for monarch butterflies, and offered plants and seeds. Bill Lambert (left) and his neighbors promoted Friends of Mountain View Parks, a new organization advocating for more parks for all Mountain View residents. Karla Valente (seated right) and her mother promoted the gardening club and fairy gardens. Ann McMillan supervised the plant give-away tables. Only three plants remained at the end. Alice Pang and Lukas Kraul, with their son, staffed the welcome table near the park’s back entrance during the later shift. Maria Harnoto and Nirvana handed out ice cream treats until the very end.