Ice Cream Social 2016

The Welcome Table was in the center of activities in Monta Loma Park.


Elna Tymes and Alan Whitaker made a great team at the Welcome Table.


Maria Harnoto and Carolyn Len are master ice cream scoopers.

Julia and Andy Wendel were first-time scoopers.


Maria Harnoto scooped and scooped.


Diane McCleary took a shift scooping ice cream.

Julie Baher and Clara Agnes Ault also scooped ice cream.


Pat Harvey took a turn scooping ice cream for Isaac Taylor and his kids.


Monta Loma School Principal Gloria Higgins (far right) and Linda Harvey supervised the ice cream toppings table.


Dinnie McLaughlin painted a lot of faces.



After her shift at the Welcome Table, Elyse Krupnik helped Dinnie paint faces…and arms.


Bob Jahnke and Monica Haupt, who already had their Monta Loma shirts, chatted with shirt salesman Marty Pulvers.


“Gizmo Gary” Heyman twisted many balloons for many kids.


Andrea Thomas and Tim Slattery talked to Andy and Julia Wendel about CERT.


Sarah Harriman explained the Preschooler Network.


Katie Purcell (gold shirt) helped staff the PTA table.


Wouter Suverkropp brought his walking robot…


… and offered rides.


Katherine Naegele and Tawnya Anderson of Mountain View Trees posed with Mountain View’s Vice Mayor Ken Rosenberg.


Ray Morneau collected contact information from those interested in Mountain View Trees.


Diane Ingalls collected stuffed animals for Animals Beacons of Light.


Zane Pierce brought information about EMQ FamiliesFirst Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI).


Gloria Jackson and John Ari Stepp brought their cotton-candy machine.


All the city council and school board candidates accepted our invitation to come and meet the Monta Loma neighbors.


Kaj Rekola chats with city council candidate Lucas Ramirez.


Police Chief Max Bosel stopped by city council member and candidate Chris Clark’s table.


Our congresswoman posed with some of the attendees.


It didn’t look like 400 people, but that’s how many name-tag labels were used.


The city council and school board candidates occupied the area of the park closer to Thompson Avenue.


Many neighbors walked in from the back entrances, so the neighborhood and other exhibitors were towards the back of the park.


Bob Jahnke chatted with Marty and Joy Pulvers at the Monta Loma tee shirt table. The MLN history display was at right.


The face-painting table was busy all afternoon.


Trash cans filled as 5:00 approached…


… and the ice cream scoopers served the last few customers.